AUTICORPOS is a project of the Portuguese Association Voz do Autista, co-funded by INR, I.P.
AUTICORPOS aims, over 6 months, to create an eBook and a training on the barriers that hinder the provision and access to mental health services for adult autistic people in Portugal. The purpose is, besides identifying the barriers, to propose alternatives to overcome them. The project is funded by INR – National Institute for Rehabilitation, and coordinated by APVA – Portuguese Association of Autistic Voices, and relies on the collaboration of mental health professionals.
The AUTICORPOS approach is based on a review of the most recent literature at national, European and international level, and on a participatory methodology that aims to collect experiences of adult autistic people with mental health services and of mental health professionals working with autistic people in the public and private sector. The search for answers to improve the provision and access to mental health for the adult autistic population in Portugal will take into account, among others, the role of peer groups in sharing experiences and the existence of neurodivergent health professionals.
The final eBook will be shared soon.
Webinar Auticorpos (In Portuguese)
Presenting the results – 21 December / 14-16
Webinar of the Auticorpos project, co-funded by INR, I.P. to present the final results on the mental health of autistic people in Portugal, experiences and recommendations of adult autistic people and allied professionals, on December 21, between 14 – 16h.
Thank you for participating and spreading the word!
Webinar of the Auticorpos project, co-funded by INR, I.P. on Barriers and accommodations of mental health services for autistic people was held on 25 Sep / 14h – 16h / online. Mainly in Portuguese, with the participation of Elizabeth Pellicano in English (UCL London).
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