This is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of European Union, which APVA is a partner, led by Imspektrum of Austria, which will run until November 30, 2024.
• Increasing participation for autistic people, empowering them and help building autism-communities.
• Raising awareness for the autism spectrum by gaining information first hand and through the correction of misconceptions on autism.
• Raising awareness on the needs of autistic people to facilitate the thriving of autistic people in society.
• Autie-biographies: biographical interviews to the autistic people to tell their life story from “first view” perspective, to show the autistic experiences to the society and struggles across the autistic community.
• Exchange sessions: 2 online meetings, hosted from PT and AT to facilitating exchange sessions between autistic people and other stakeholders for discussions, sharing experiences, and development of policy recommendations to address challenges and barriers on society. In the final phase of the project, a face-to-face session will be held in Portugal.
• The Autism Manual educational resource for autistic people, their families, health and education professionals, and the general public. It will include an overview of the most important facts as well as a kind of instruction on how to get in contact with groups and organisations which can support autistic people.
For more information contact us at:
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming online exchange sessions as part of the project Aut Of The Box. Each of these sessions will focus on one of these crucial topics: Policy on Employment and Policy on Education.
• What autistic people want and need to thrive at a Job and in Employment: 4th May 10:00 PT / 11:00 AT Online
• What autistic people want and need to succeed in School and Education: 4th June 18:00 PT / 19:00 AT Online
What to expect?
Each session begins with a short presentation of the theme and some related topics. After that, the meeting will be divided into groups of 5 or 6 people where participants can have meaningful discussions, share insights, and develop policy recommendations to address challenges faced by autistic individuals in these areas.
How to participate?
If you are passionate about contributing to positive change for autistic individuals in the education and employment sectors, we encourage you to join us for these sessions. To register your interest and receive the Zoom meeting links, click here and fill out the form in the bio.
Note: These sessions will be conducted in English.
Your participation and insights are invaluable as we work towards creating policies that promote inclusivity, empowerment, and understanding for autistic individuals.
Thank you for considering our invitation, and we look forward to your active participation in these important discussions.
More about the project:
The Austrian association im spektrum leads the project Aut Of The Box in collaboration with APVA – Associação Portuguesa Voz do Autista, and the European Union’s Erasmus+ program funds the project.
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project Number: 2023-2-AT01-KA210-ADU-000176117