We have free support groups for adult neurodivergent people in Portuguese. We also have a discord channel with an English chat.
Testimonial: ‘This group helped me discover that I’m autistic. I feel more and more comfortable being me, I’m making new friends and I finally have a safe space where I don’t have to mask it.’
Do you suspect you may be autistic or know someone who may be autistic but don’t know what to do next?
Find out more about the characteristics of autism in children and adults and what to do if you suspect you may be autistic.
APVA actively participates in self-advocacy and political participation activities at European and international level, as well as supporting autistic people in accessing these platforms.
Many of the studies carried out in the past were focused on curing or normalising autistic behaviour from the perspective of non-autistic people. In recent years, the scientific community has begun to include autistic adults and children in the development of participatory research, to ensure that we can redirect support to what autistic people need. We have developed an Autism Researcher’s Guide (in Portuguese) with some tips on how to include autistic people in your research.
If you are interested in any of our trainings (you can check them out below), please contact projetos@vozdoautista.pt. We are available to develop personalised training based on your needs.
We develop partnerships with international and national autistic activists, families of autistic people, organisations, the scientific community and experts in the field, to translate and expand to Portugal international solutions, information and projects that can help autistic people in Portugal. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us at projetos@vozdoautista.pt.