Current Projects

National projects

AutiRenascer – Autism without violence

This project is coordinated by APVA and cofounded by INR. I. P. The main aim of this project is to improve specialised care and support for autistic or neurodivergent people who have been victims of domestic violence.
The project will train civil protection agents, magistrates and victim support services on the characteristics, difficulties and needs of autistic people and how to provide them with better support. A methodological guide will also be produced for these organisations, as well as a guide on violence for autistic people, in which they can find information on what violence is and how to ask for help.

DIN+: Direitos de inclusão

APVA’s new project, co-funded by INR, I.P., which will run until the end of this year.
The aim is to create an adapted and inclusive service with ‘independent activists’ who help and empower neurodivergent people and their families to access their rights, thus improving their rights literacy and empowering them to live independently. More information will be shared soon.


According to international scientific literature, autistic people have a higher risk of developing mental health problems and less access to adequate support from the corresponding services. Mental health professionals’ lack of knowledge about autism was one of the main barriers identified in the AUTICORPOS project – Giving body to mental health in autism, co-funded by INR, I.P. in 2023, which urgently needs to be addressed. Following on from this, the AUTICORPOS 2.0 project aims to develop a training programme for mental health professionals with a view to improving their services. It also aims to study forms of mutual support between peers, which can help to better respond to crises with understanding and shared strategies.
For more information contact us at:

European Projects

POINTS OF CONNECTION: for a more accessible society for autistic people

Each partner organisation will create a working group of young autistic people, aged between 18 and 25, who will take part in all phases of the project, with various actions planned from 2023 to March 2026.
Its objectives are:
Improve the quality of life of autistic young people, make public and private services more accessible, and find points of connection.
If you would like to find out more about this project, send an e-mail to:

AUT OF THE BOX - Sharing autistic perspectives on inclusion and participation

This is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of which APVA is a partner, led by @imspektrum_verein of Austria, which will run until 30 November 2024
– Increase the participation of autistic people, empower them and help build autistic communities;
– Raise awareness of the autism spectrum by obtaining first-person information and correcting misconceptions about autism;
– Raise awareness of the needs of autistic people in order to facilitate their development in society.

For more information contact us by email:

ACTIVATE: Autistic community through advocacy, learning and empowerment

The ACTIVATE project aims to empower autistic young people with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to become effective activists, active citizens and social entrepreneurs, through the Autism Advocacy School and engagement with key stakeholders, including researchers, political representatives and self-advocacy organisations. Not only does it seek to empower young autistic people, it also seeks guidance from the very autistic community it aims to empower. By aligning with their aspirations and addressing the gaps identified through their voices, this project aims to create a more inclusive and supportive society. This transformation will be driven by the active involvement of young autistic people as activists, citizens and agents of change.

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